I started these redwork quilt blocks a long long time ago and finished them not long after Sami was born. Mom said if I would do the redwork, she would quilt them. So I did the redwork and they have been waiting patiently for inspiration to strike her. Well it struck her the other day and she pulled them out. She had designed a pattern to make them into. She needed one more than we have here though so.....

On the 31st of Dec. we designed this one and I completed it with a little "help" from my daughter. She thinks I am so talented. LOL

On Jan 1st. I completed the boarder of this quilt that i started a few years ago. I bought the material and the pattern at a shop hop mom and I go to every year. I guess it was two years ago. I completed the quilt top and mom did the quilting on her machine. I then completed the outside border on the quilt yesterday. Let me tell you that was a Challenge.