Hello! I hope you are having a great day! I am Sandy. This is my stamping blog. I love stamping, I love blogging, so this is a perfect thing for me. I hope you enjoy your visit. Please come back often.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
finished christmas gifts....
Don't forget if you make a donation to my Walk Now for Autism team I will send you a gift! there is a link on the side of my page.
Sweet dreams.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Banana pudding recipe card
Autism fund raiser.
Monday, August 17, 2009
2009 Christmas gifts.
I bet you all can guess what this is.... I got these 6x6 photo albums for less than a buck at archivers a few weekends ago. They are perfect for the recipe swaps I am making. I have considered altering the albums but then I am afraid they will not be kitchen worthy. I still have to consider that option. This one is so close to being full. I can get 22 recipies in them. I have 20 in this one. If I decide to put a recipe inside the front cover I will need two more cards to fill it up. I just found out that two of the swaps I have already sent off to got cancelled so I am going to have to work harder to fill them up. What a bumb deal. I'll have to see what happens... Anyway I have 100 6x6 recipe cards made total. I need 198. I should be able to finish well before christmas.
lemon pie recipe.
I used a close to my heart stamp on this recipe card. I am not sure which one it is, I got it in a card making kit. I hate using clear stamps they are so much work. But I do have to admit that It was nice when I realized I hadn't stamped all of the flower. I set the stamp back down by looking through the block and restamped it perfect. This recipe card was supposed to have a black and white picture of my Mema on it, but I forgot my plan and went ahead and stamped on it. Oh well!
another carmel recipe
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Makin aunt kk a birthday card.
I was playin with Sami again. She was learning the fine art of coloring outside of the lines. lol
Monday, August 10, 2009
My finished and full ribbon holder....
Thanks dad for the doll rod. I have my ribbon with small holes hanging in the front, then behind that where you can't see I have the ribbon with big holes. On top I have a piar of scissors, and the leftover ribbons that I have had to buy pre-cut or cut the wrong size of. It's not the perfect system, but it works great for the amount of room I have. What made me think that a 12x12 crafting room would be to big???? lol I am thankful for the space that I have....
Sunday, August 09, 2009
my work area tonight.
I cannot figure out how in the world I got anything done tonight. I ran upstairs to talk to dad for a minute and when I came back down this is what my table looked like. Since I childless tonight I can't blame it on anyone but me. I have been highly productive though. I made a card. A useless project. I started putting together christmas presents. Didn't finish them cause all of the projects I am making to go in them are not done. I finished a couple of recipe cards. I cut out the paper for three more sets of cards that are not even started. Taped one set of cards together. taped another set of cards together and made ribbons for them. Then I was talkin to mom and we she told me one of my recipe cards needed something on it, so I designed a way to make that, Dad just has to finish creating it for me ( he won't let me use his saw). I still have the energy to do more, but I would like to get up tomorrow so I think I will stop now and try to sleep.
I got a new stamp today.
I went to a few stores today and bought a few things I probably shouldn't have. This stamp was one of the things I shouldn't have bought. I really like teh stamp. I don't like the fact that it is a unicorn. Oh well, I'll probably tape it off the next time I use the stamp. I used my new die cut also. The die cut came from www.scrapbookstoreatyourdoor.com .
This is a non recipe card recipe card.
This "recipe" card is for a coffee cup snuggle. I don't know if you can see it or not, but Sassy suzi is sittin in the corner of the dots. I used a staple to hold the ribbon on. I was having serious issues with that ribbon sticking to this card stock for some reason. I also used a brad and a coffee cup charm in the top corner. This one is actually not completed. It is waiting for the rest of the instructions. I plan to cut them out in a circle....
German Chocolate pie recipe card 2
German Chocolate pie card 1
I Am on the Recipe card binge again! This one is for Dad's favorite pie. It is a German Chocolate pie. It is amazingly good. I used like it a late to stamp the Sentement and to stamp little piles of cool whip on the bottom and top of the card. I should have used the white puffy stuff to make it look like cool whip, I didn't think about having it though and so I used stickles to make sparkly clouds of cool whip. Next time I will know better. This is version one of this same recipe.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Me Myself and I!
Sweet dreams